Sunday, July 18, 2010

postheadericon iRecovery

Have you ever ran into the problem where you try to restore 3.1.2 the iPhone refuses to boot in normal mode and starts in Recovery mode. A google search taught me that this as recovery mode loop.

To fix recovery mode loop, a script called iRecovery is your save, iRecovery is a libusb-based command line utility for Mac OS X and Linux (perhaps Windows too). It is able to talk to the iBoot/iBSS in Apple’s iPhone/iPod touch via USB.

This is however instruction for Mac OSX
Download I recovery here

1. Open Terminal and start iRecovery by typing ./iRecovery -s

3) Then execute the following commands:

setenv auto-boot true

3) Reboot your iPhone (hold home & sleep until apple logo appears).