Saturday, June 19, 2010

postheadericon Pre-Style multitasking on the iPad

Although official “Apple-approved” multitasking is coming to the iPhone thanks to the new iOS4 next week, iPad users will still have to wait until fall to get the same upgrade. Well, that is unless they don’t mind jailbreaking. Indeed, multitasking on the iPad has been possible since day one thanks to backgrounder. As great as it is however, it won’t let you jump from app to app directly.

ProSwitcher for iPad comes to help with that and allows you to switch between different apps without going through the home screen. It’s not the first multitasking manager, but it’s definitely the most impressive. Indeed, it allows you to jump from app to app using a beautiful 3D interface like you might have seen on Palm’s Pre. It’s guaranteed to impress your friends.

Now in “Alpha”, ProSwitcher for iPad requires a jailbroken iPad, and the addition of as a source in Cydia. However, users should be extremely careful since memory leaks and general bugs have been reported by early ProSwitcher for iPad users.

iOS4 should be making an appearance in early fall on the iPad, which will offer ‘official’ multitasking. However, for those that cannot wait and want to run two or more apps at the same time, ProSwitcher for iPad will do the trick, if you are okay with the occasional bug.